Yksinoikeudella, F-One ja Manera

F-Onen ja Maneran jakelija Centrano ja Wind & Waves on sopinut syvemmästä ja tiiviimmästä yhteistyöstä. Tästä lähtien Wind & Waves hoitaa Suomen markkinoilla F-One ja Manera -brändien tuotteita yksinoikeudella.
Sopimus tukee Wind & Wavesin strategiaa kasvattaa liiketoimintaa hallitusti laadukkaiden brändien ja hyvien yhteistyökumppanien kanssa. Yhteistyö ei tarkota pelkästään sitä että F-One ja Manera -tuotteita saa ostettua meiltä, vaan tulemme yhdessä päämiehen ja brändien kanssa kehittämään liiketoiminnan eri osa-alueita toimimaan paremmin Suomen kaltaisella markkina-alueella.
Me Wind & Waves -tiimissä olemme tästä syventyvästä yhteistyöstä innoissamme. F-One ja Manera ovat jo tulleet tutuiksi, olemme vakuuttuneista siitä että brändien laatu vastaa laatumielikuvaa. Brändit sopivat hyvin jo olemassa olevien brändiemme rinnalle.
Alla Centranon ja brändien terveiset.

Owner Tero of Wind & Waves is delighted to announce the collaboration with F-one and Manera in Finland. Being selected by such reputable brands is a source of pride for the team at Wind & Waves. They are looking forward to joining forces and working together to provide exceptional products and services to their customers. With this partnership, customers can expect a wider range of options and top-quality equipment to cater to their water sports needs.
Tero has committed to introducing F-one and Manera to the kite and wing community in Finland, ensuring that they are aware of and have access to these high-quality brands. This announcement is great news for kite and wing enthusiasts looking for premium equipment, as they can now easily find the brands through Wind & Waves. The move highlights Tero's dedication to providing the best products and services to the Finnish kite and wing community.
Test the best!
F-One and Manera offer high-quality kite and wing products that cater to various levels of riders, from beginners to professionals. The brand's kites are known for their excellent stability, easy handling, and excellent maneuverability, while their wings provide excellent lift, speed, and control. Their product portfolio includes various types of kites and wings, such as the Bandit kites and the Foil and Strike and Swing wings, designed to suit different riding styles and conditions. Overall, F-One and Manera products showcase superior construction, durability, and performance, making them a reliable choice for any kiteboarding and wing-surfing enthusiasts.
Schools are welcome!
F-one and Manera are high-quality brands of kite and wing products that are perfect for schools. These products are durable, reliable, and easy to use, making them ideal for beginners learning the sport. With F-one and Manera kite and wing products, schools can provide their students with an excellent kiteboarding experience while ensuring their safety. The high-quality materials used in these products guarantee their longevity, making them a wise investment for any kiteboarding or wing school.
Centrano, Michael Juhl, Key Account manager